Learn, Laugh and Live with Burntwood and District u3a.
The University of the Third Age
The u3a is a national and international learning organisation (Third Age Trust) consisting of local u3a groups which are managed and organised by the members themselves. All u3a groups are members of the Third Age Trust which provides administrative and educational support. Members receive the u3a News TAM published by the Third Age Trust quarterly.
Members are normally retired or semi-retired from paid employment who would like to extend and share their knowledge in a friendly and social environment.
Princes Park. England's smallest park
Pit truck in bloom at Norton Canes
Statue of Miner with pit pony - 'Scamp'
Burntwood and District u3a held its inaugural meeting in July 2015 then accepted into full membership in December of that year. It has gone from strength to strength since then. As one new member commented "joining u3a has added a new dimension to my retirement and the opportunity to make many new friends"
Like all U3As we are run by the members for the members. Please refer to the Groups page to see what groups are available and their meeting details. Groups can be run by an individual or a group of members. If you have a particular hobby or interest that you wish to share, then please let our Group Co-ordinator know, and we can help you set up a group. This could be for a limited amount of time or an on-going basis.
A General meeting is held monthly, See General on the Groups page for General Meeting information or click below.
Latest Notices
Invitation to manage your Group page
Group leaders are invited and encouraged to manage their own Group pages, Full training and support will be given...
Anyone can be a group leader or facilitate some activity....