Burntwood & District u3a

Group Leaders Page

This page is for Group Leaders who have chosen to manage their own Group page or are thinking of doing so. This is called being an Author which gives you access to your Groups pages only.

You can share this task with an assistant or deputy leader.

Changes to Group pages can be done easily on any device, PC, smart phone or tablet, they can also be done from anywhere with an internet connection.

Training will be given, at a pace to suit you, no fancy computer knowledge is needed, there is also an excellent guide (see link below) You can also practice on a dummy page until you build up confidence.

Being an Author is a simple process which has many benefits for Group leaders.

  • Quickly respond to changes, such as a group being cancelled
  • Make changes to your Group page within seconds
  • Change images easily
  • Add links to useful documents
  • Add forthcoming events
  • Add your own flair to your pages
  • Add images to show what the group has been doing to attract new members

As an Author you will have readily available support from David and Doug who manage the website. Whilst you might make mistakes at first these can easily be corrected by taking your page back to an earlier time or asking for help. We will show you have to do this.

You CANNOT break the website as you will only have limited access which is confined to your own pages.

The basic structure of your Group page has already been built and any information you provided has already been added, changing the text is as simple as writing an email or Word document. Changing or adding an image is almost as simple.

Contact David if you want to know more!